In our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) you can hopefully read the answers on some questions you still have. In case you still have questions, let us know!

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Do I need technical skills to maintain my website?

You can edit content yourself and add new pages when you chose our extensive website-option. Pario has made this as easy as possible for our clients. You don't need technical skills but if you have basic knowledge of text-editors like Word it would help. 

Does Pario move my website?

We can move your domain name but it depends on your website if we can move it. If it's build with WordPress (with the exception of websites on WordPress.com) we can move your website. If not then we have to see how we can best move your content.

Can I install plug-ins myself

When you have the Online Business card or Online cv then it is not possible to install extra plug-ins. With our membership website offering we install the plug-ins. We put a lot of effort into using the best plug-ins for our membership websites. If you still have specific wishes we will look how we can best implement the desired functionality without endangering the overal safety and stability. This means that plug-ins with low ratings or which haven't been updated for a long time, won't be installed.

Will I be featured at the top in the Google search results?

Google rewards websites which offer the information people are looking for. It's not just how much content you offer but also the quality of the content (is it unique, well-written, engaging etc.).

The content has to come from the client (we offer extra services to help out). This means that Pario will make sure that on the technical side of things the SEO is sound but it's your job to provide your target group with the information they need. You probably know best what that might be. Also understand dat SEO is a long-term process. It usually takes time before your website will climb the ladder on the search results page.

There is no magic button and companies which claim they know unique tricks to score high in Google could do harm when Google decides those tricks are not 'best practices'. 

When it comes to scoring high in Google then extended websites are the only offerings which can really help you with that since you have more ways to present data that people are searching for. 

WordPress is known for it's seo-friendliness and we install a popular seo plug-in which will help you write text that's optimised for search engines.


What happens when I cancel my subscription?

After cancelling your subscription we will stop our services. You have to give us a 1 month notice. When you are not using G Suite (fee with our business solutions) your webmail needs to be saved elsewhere. We will make a zip-file of all the content you uploaded to your website. When you cancel your subscription, the discount you have saved will be reset to zero and will be regarded as a new client if you ever choose to come back.

When you have been a business client for over two years, we can transfer your website to another server. You will lose the services we offer in our subscription. Some of these plug-ins can’t be transferred (like Imagfiy and WPRocket). Any plug-ins which can be transferred, won’t be updated (since the costs are covered with the subscription)

How long will it take you to build my website?

It depends on the product offering you chose. A custom design will take longer than an existing theme and a website of 6(+) pages will take longer than a one-pager. Our most extensive website can be done within two weeks after all the content is delivered by you (in good condition). The one-pagers and budget websites can be done in about half that time.

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